“Start Your Own Neighborhood Watch Group”


If you would like to carpool to this event please contact: activities@rivercitycommons.com

SPD Training: “Start Your Own Neighborhood Watch Group”

Many of you already have strong and effective groups. Others of you are struggling to keep your group together or to move it forward to the next level. Many more of you have wanted to be a part of a strong Neighborhood Watch, but have none in your area. The Sacramento Police Department has created a series of trainings designed to help you …achieve your goal, wherever you are in your development.

On August 21st at 6:30pm at Police HQ, 5770 Freeport Ave, Hall of Honor we will present “Start Your Own Neighborhood Watch Group.” This training lays out the nuts and bolts of building a powerful network of neighbors who are empowered to get the support needed to make their streets clean and safe. It is taught by a team of experts and is hands down, the best way to begin your journey toward building a neighborhood to be proud of!

Please email Barbara Falcon at mfalcon@pd.cityofsacramento.org to reserve a seat in the class. Tell your neighbors and encourage them to come with you.